Home » Blog » How to Choose a Builder for your Home: Things you should know

A custom home build is expensive. There are a lot of moving parts, and it can be incredibly stressful. So, choosing a builder is an important part of the process. But how do you find the perfect fit to build your dream home? 

While the builder may be making your dream a reality, you’re paying them to get the job done and you have to trust them. There are plenty of things to consider before you sign a contract. We cover everything you need to know about how to choose a builder for your home?

How to Find the Right Builder for Your New Home


The custom home builder’s reputation is one factor to consider when choosing a builder to build your home.

Not only should you look at the portfolio on the website, but you should read reviews on every website that has them; if possible, speak to some of their previous clients. 

Quotes & Price

Price isn’t everything, but it is important; the quote you receive will tell you a lot about the builder.

If it’s much lower than the rest of the quotes you have received, you should be suspicious of how they plan to achieve that. 

If it’s not as detailed as the rest of the quotes, it suggests they’re not being forthcoming with costings. 

If it’s much more than the rest of the quotes, you should be able to discern why based on the details. 


Seek a builder that works in the style of build you’re looking for. It’s the clearest way to ensure they will deliver your preferences to your preferred style and standard. 

Working Relationship 

Every builder operates differently, and it’s up to you to determine which meets your preferred working relationship. If you want a hands-on builder so you can be completely hands-off, that’s what you need to communicate. 

Likewise, if you want to be heavily involved in the process, you can be, but that’s likely easier if you work with a smaller company.


Building a new home is time-consuming, but some companies move slower than others. If the timeframe is crucial, you need to be sure your chosen builder can deliver within your timeline, so have this discussion openly with each company you’re receiving a quote from. 


Ensure you clearly understand their building process and what will happen at each stage of the project. Do they assign a project manager to ensure the process runs smoothly? Do they work with quality suppliers to ensure only the best materials? Are these established relationships they rely on to deliver the timeline and quality? 


We touched on working relationships, but the communication style and method are also a factor to consider. Do you prefer calling, texting or emailing? Whatever method you prefer, you need to ensure that the builder’s point of contact matches and that they will respond promptly if you have questions or concerns. 

Licensed & Insured 

Always check to ensure a company is licensed and insured. 

You can check with the Masters Builders of Australia and Housing Industry of Australia’s registries to ensure they’re legit. Alternatively you can check with NSW fair trading to perform the same check. 


Believe it or not, many builders prefer working in certain areas, that can impact the price. When you’re looking at portfolios, look for a builder who frequently builds in your chosen location. Or, at the very least, has experience building in that location. 


If you’ve been wondering how to choose a builder Australia, now you have your answer. There’s a lot to the subject of how to choose a builder for your home. With this guidance on how to choose a builder for your new home, you’re perfectly placed choosing a builder for extension or a brand-new build. It’s worth stating – the same tips for choosing a builder also stand for how to choose a pool builder and how to choose a builder for renovation! 

Before you sign a contract, ensure you’ve covered everything important – think about all the potential costs and whether your agreement includes drives, garages, insulation, and everything in-between.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to choose first when building a house? 

The first step is understanding how to choose a builder for your home! Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start the ball rolling and discuss your options with your potential home-building partners. 

Are builders’ prices negotiable? 

No, the quote a builder provides incorporates the cost of materials, labour, and the work that’s required to complete the job. 

While some builders may be happy to negotiate certain inclusions, builders’ prices aren’t typically negotiable. You’re likely to run into trouble if you try and it may sour a potential working relationship if you push too hard.

Why choose a builder? 

If you want the job done well, enlist the services of a reputable builder. It’s the only way to ensure you get the finished product you desire. The key is understanding how to choose a home builder.

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